
why i love blogging

Yates Mill Pond in Raleigh

Truth time: I had a blog before this one.

I thought that every post had to be a really deep, thought out, well- written analysis of what I was learning about my faith, and that I couldn't write about a "trial" until I had come out of it and could perfectly understand what I had learned.

Clearly, I ditched that idea when I restarted the concept of "Big J and little j" with blogger (sorry wordpress).  In the past 5 months, I've written posts with grammatical errors, secret passive aggressive comments about an ex, waytoopersonal stories, and honest confessions about struggles with my faithConsequently, I love this blog so much more. Why? Because it's me. Even when I don't get home until 11pm, I still want to write posts to you guys, because it's my creative outlet.  It's a chance to express stuff that maybe I wouldn't say in everyday life.

That's the beauty of blogging. You get the opportunity to understand someones passions and talents that maybe you wouldn't have been able to IRL. There are people that (unfortunately) I've not been able to spend a lot of time with, but I still can understand a deeper part of them through blogging.

Of course, I'm not suggesting that blogging is the same as actual friendship.  I would never replace hearing my best friend laugh out loud at my lame jokes (she is the best at making me feel funny), with having her write a comment on a post. However, I think blogging is a cool supplement to friendship that we didn't have before it got all trendy and cool.

So I guess I'm saying thanks to you, friends, for reading this thing, so that I'm not just typing all this nonsense out into the world wide web. And thanks to all the people who write the blogs that I follow. I wish I was able to spend more time with you in the real world.

1 comment:

  1. if you keep being both domestic AND healthy, i may have to quit reading ;)


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