

 Mustard! Only on clothes though. I bought these babies for $5 at Forever 21

Authentic Mexican food. As in, no one at the restaurant speaks English and they also have a raw meat market in the other half of the building. Of course, I'm the awkward one that confuses the waitress and messes up everyone's drink order. Go. Me.

addicting as all get out.

someecards- freaking hilarious 

My chissy. How cute is that face?


Blogger! This is so “big brother”-ish of me to say, but I was almost afraid to list this one, in case “they” are reading and delete my blog or something.  But in all seriousness, I’m either really dumb or Blogger is super un-friendly, cause I have serious formatting issues.

People who pull up next to me in their car and yell at me because I didn't let them over.  Sorry I’m an bad driver. It’s why I don’t have a Jesus fish on my car.

1-800-CONTACTS commercials. Do they really pay somebody to come up with these? The kids I nanny are waaaaay wittier and would probably work for unlimited fro-yo.

Accidently yanking your earbuds out when you’re listening to a song. Seriously, is there anything more annoying?

Sporcle quizzes. I got 40% on “World Countries” and 88% on “Harry Potter Surnames”. I’m sure exactly what that says about me, but I’m sure it’s not good.


  1. What a cute sister you have!

  2. Did Adam Smith turn you on to Sporcle?

  3. He did! now I can't get any work done!


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