
i need a mood ring

When I was in middle school, I had a friend (we're actually still good friends) who didn't think girls should say the word "crap".  He thought it was unlady-like, and because I am was extremely stubborn, I would try to fit it into a sentence as many times as possible. Then I would write it on pieces of paper and hold them up across the classroom so he could see.  I would also step on his shoes because I thought they were "too clean". 

Maybe I was a bit of a brat, I don't know, but regardless, I want to say that this week has been crap. Sorry, Alejandro.

Nothing major has happened, just a series of annoyances that have pushed me to the edge of sanity. You know, like when you start going into hissy fits because of  the smallest, most unlikely things?

Read the rest of The Sneaky Hate Spiral  at Hyperbole and a Half

Maybe you don't act like that when you've had a bad day; you're probably a lot more mature than that.

I would really just love a whole day to lay on the couch in 
my sweatpants and watch reruns of Law and Order: SVU for 8 straight hours. Unfortunately, the world doesn't stop spinning for me. but it should.

Maybe I'll wake up tomorrow and exude awesomeness. 

G'night, friends.

PS- I realize this post had very little substance. Sorry. Sometimes my life is like that.


  1. I wouldn't know what its like to have hissy fits all the time.. :)

    But today is going to be awesome. Go play in a rain puddle and then make some soup, get in your sweats and watch Friends.

  2. Quite a smart friend you got there. :) Hope the end of your week is better.


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