
a play-by-play of my almost death

"Wow these safety harnesses are very unflattering."
Ok I wasn't thinking that then, but I am now that I'm looking at the pictures.
"Camp counselor dude. Please stop talking to me so I can concentrate on NOT throwing up my breakfast."

"AHHHHH! .....
This is kinda fun."

One week later...

"I don't want to burst your bubble, but Mikel's 5 year old daughter did the high-ropes course when we were there." -JP

The title of this post is a little overdramatic, but it's how I felt at the time. 

Happy Weekend!


  1. What was this for? Funsies?

  2. wake forest fall retreat. it wasn't as hardcore as the one we did in the motherland, but still fun.


leave a message after the beeeep.