
we are family

This is why I haven't been on blogger in 4eva...
I spent the last week with my family in the mountains for my dad's wedding. There's just something so... comforting about spending time with people who have all those same quirks and tell those same weird jokes that other people don't get.

Here are some things I overheard:

"It's all about confidence. If you want to sing like Adele, you just have to be sure you can." 

"We had so much fun back in '79."
S (who is 18 years old): "ahhh '79. what a good year."

J (driving through Boone): I wonder how much different my life would have been if I had gone to school here...
K: You're wearing a plaid shirt and driving a Subaru right now...so, not that different.

 *no answer*
*no answer*

I promise there will be real posts soon! My life is going back to (somewhat) normal this week. 
Love y'all!

1 comment:

  1. i love playing the "what i saw/what i heard game". hope you had fun!


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