
[some stuff that has changed my life]

Those of you who hang out with me IRL know I'm addicted to the blogosphere. I'm always blabbering on about the blogs that I follow, and talking about the authors like we're on first name basis.

When you follow someone's blog, (and I hate this term) religiously, you start to feel like you really are friends with that person.

One blog that I really love is Jamie The Very Worst Missionary's. It's tough to write blog posts about your faith without getting preachy, cheesy, or some combo of the two.  Somehow, Jamie manages to never do either.  She writes with a brutal honesty that is sometimes controversial, but always leaves me with a new perspective.  So when she posted You'd be Surprised. this week, I was blown away again.

Honestly, I'm going through some tough stuff right now in my own relationship with God. I don't really think that I have enough insight/clarity to write about it yet, but reading Jamie's post made me feel like I wasn't alone.  It gave me the opportunity to see past the hurt and guilt that fill up this spiritual rut that I'm in, and replace those feelings with forgiveness and grace. It allowed me to get a glimpse of the Jesus that the Bible talks about, the one who hung out with prostitutes and tax collectors, the one who taught about the prodigal son, and the one who offers redemption to his followers, no matter how much we screw up.

For the first time in a couple weeks, I saw the real Jesus. You should read the post. I promise it will be worth it.

"God can do much with very little.
He can do more with less.
He can do anything with nothing."

1 comment:

  1. Read that. powerfull stuff. i love you.


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