
Gettin' dunked

 Here's a photo recap of my baptism, since the last post was so wordy...
This woman is such an example to me of what living for Christ should look like. So honored that she got to baptize me.

I accidentally replied "I do" to the question about Christ being my savior. I'm pretty sure that response is for a different life changing celebration...

Becca love.

My sis looking cute after a day at the beach & me looking like a "wet rat"

Daddy/Daughter love.

Some of my high school girls--- congrats to Alexa who also got baptized. I'm so proud of all these girls.

Mommy& Me

Another woman who has impacted my walk with Christ in BIG ways. Her awesome hubby on the left and my friend Kienan on the R.
Keej & Deej
I'm so lucky that I got to celebrate this public declaration of my salvation with the people I love.
Thank you so much to everyone who came and made this day special for Alexa and I. 
-little j

1 comment:

  1. AWW! I LOVE THESE PICS JEEG! Congratualtions my saggy =)


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