
Checkin in from Camel City

So I've been back in my hometown for about a week now, and surprisingly it's been kind of awesome.  Ok, sitting around the house hasn't (I am way too type A for summertime), but being back in "The Dash" has been pretty sweet.

Here are some of the things I'm loving about being here right now:

1. Trees! Grass! Parks! Pretty fences in the front yard! Just overall, it is way prettier than Raleighwood.  Even my dentist office is in a cute renovated house.
Ice cream and coffee at Cassanova's with Chiss

Summer + rocking chairs + windchimes = relaxation

First coffee in 2 weeks!

2. People in pickup trucks, everywhere. I just spend the last 4 years at an ag school, so I thought I was down with redneck, but apparently, I wasn't prepared for moving back to western Forsyth County.

3. Being stuck behind someone going 25 in a 45.  Annoying? yes.  But after driving the paved death trap known as the beltline, it's kinda endearing.   Added bonus: people getting over so that you can merge onto the highway.

4. Pool time with LMS.  'Nuff said.

5. Exploring the city as an adult.  It's a little weird going to a brewery in my hometown. I still feel like I should have my mom drop me off in the minivan.

6. Cutesy town things to do.  There's a seafood festival this weekend, movies at the park, and music downtown every weekend.  I almost feel like I'm in Stars Hollow.

D and I hiking by the parkway
7. Hiking with my dad. I didn't really get my Jane Goodall on much in college because of homework, jobs, and lack of nature, so it's good to be back near the mountains. 

8. Running into people you knew in high school.  The jury is still out on whether this is a good or bad thing.

Anyone else from Camel City? What do you love about it?

1 comment:

  1. KDZ Farm and gravel roads, Chars/BigHowies/Peppers?, Ollies..


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