
in which i start another blog challenge


do i have your attention???

as you may have noticed, i have been inconsistent and just generally BORING on this here blog. the creative juices haven't been flowing much lately. in an attempt to post more consistently AND perhaps brainstorm interesting things to say, I'm doing the photo-a-day challenge at fat mum slim.

As you may or may not have noticed, it is already the second day of feburary. holy smokes batman! so imma do two piccy's today. also, as i don't have an iphone (am I the only one on the planet?), they won't be cute instagram-y photo's, but blurry ones taken on my LG.

1. your view today
these early spring colds are TRAGICAL (to quote anne of green gables)
2. words
becky, i hope it isn't weird that i'm posting a picture of your house; i just love this verse :)


  1. this looks really good J! Maybe I should steal it for my blog! jk. but I'm interested to see the pics!


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