

I'm starting to think that this will be a recurring post theme. Environmental fail #3445.

My chissy has the prettiest, thick, auburny-ish hair. Because it's that unnameable season where everything gets super cold and gross, her hair has been looking dull. Naturally (pun intended), she wanted to try something environmentally friendly that would spruce up her hair,so she tried putting some egg in her hair and then let it sit for a little while. 

 She rinses it all out, blow dries her hair, and heads out into the wide world.

Then she notices that she has PIECES OF FRIED EGG in her hair. Apparently, she hadn't rinsed her hair as well as she thought, and the blow drying had effectively cooked the eggs into a delicious breakfasty treat in her hair. 

On the plus side, she had something to snack on during the day. kidding!

Basically, my sis and I are the ultimate failures at being green. Poo.


  1. hahah LOVE YOU JEEG! Some say eggs are a symbol of peace, but to me, they're just a tasty snack!

  2. Add a few strips of bacon and some sauted mushrooms and I'll "head" over for breakfast


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