
Time Zones

Lately, I've been thinking about time. 

It's a funny thing. Sometimes 

Sometimes, itgoesbysofast
For instance, it doesn't seem like it's been 4 years since this:
 Little freshmen tailgating at a football game, still full of dreams about med school and vet school.  Alumni Jasmine and Jaclyn laugh in your little 18 year old faces.
    So today, I was thinking about what time feels like to God.  During the Spring of '10, which was probably my unhappiest semester of college, did time seem to go by slowly to Him? Or was it going by quickly, because He knew things were going to get better soon? 
Right now things are kind of weird for me.  I am super stoked about going to Sweden; however, I can't see anything beyond getting on that plane in August.  As a superdupercontrolfreak that's pretty hard for me. 
  So I am learning a little about faith. Sure, I don't know what will happen during/after Sweden.  Sure, I don't understand a lot of things God's doing.  Howevs, I know what God's done for me in the past.  I've been in some sucky situations that God has brought good things out of.  Sometimes it took me time to be able to see it, but He always does. 

 I'm learning guys, slowly but surely. :)

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