
A Safe Place

Sorry for the delay, sweet readers.  Things have been busy with multiple family holidays, lots of high school ministry events, and, of course, support.   Generally, I enjoy being busy.  I hate sitting around the house watching reruns of Sex in the City in my pajamas. 

Fine, I don’t really hate it, but I do feel bad about myself afterwards. 

Yesterday, in the hectic mess of traveling, cleaning, and meetings, I had my weekly meeting with my support raising coach.

“How’s your relationship with the Lord going?”, Coach D asked (I don’t really call him that, in case you were wondering).

“Well, I feel like reading my Bible is the only time that I get to be quiet.  It’s my safe place.”

Although that thought had been bouncing around in my head for a couple weeks, that was the first time I had said it out loud.  With all the changes going on this summer: graduating from college, moving out of my apartment, and moving to Sweden for a year, my emotions are a constant roller coaster.  Sometimes I’m excited, but a lot of the time, I feel a lot of fear, some anxiety, and even a little anger.  

However, when I sit down to pray, read my Bible, or journal, I feel a kind of peace.  I can feel God saying,
“Come sit with me for a while, little J.  Let me tell you why it’s gonna be alright.” 

That’s why one of the analogies the Bible uses to explain God to us is that of God the Father. 

Yes, He is a creator, the savior, and a righteous judge. But He’s also a father.  One who delights in spending time with me.  One who says, “Let Me hold you for a while, little J.  I want to take care of you.”

That’s pretty sweet.

If you're bored, read this, by Jamie the Very Worst Missionary. I thought it was great.

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