
Things I'm convinced I need for Sweden, but can't afford

 How cute is this coffee maker? It looks like you could buy it at IKEA, which makes it totally Swedish, but it's really only $45 dollars at Target.  It has a timer, which is basically my only requirement, so that I can have hot coffee already made when I wake up. (Michael Graves Automatic Drip Coffeemaker)
 I made the mistake of going shopping at REI with my discipler (who is training for a half Ironman with her hubby!), and now I am convinced that I NEED this 120 dollar Patagonia Better Sweater/ jacket. It's gonna be FREEZING in the S, so I'm gonna need a more substantial jacket than my sweaters from Forever 21. Right?

I'll probably end up rocking my new Keen hiking boots once there is snow on the ground, so I'm gonna need some fancy wool socks to go with them.  I'm going for the outdoorsy, pretentious look, although it might just come off as bum who wears their entire wardrobe.

The camera I have now is a dinosaur (5.1 mega pixels, seriously.), so I'd love a new camera to document my life there. Added bonus, I can post pictures here, so you guys can see what's going on. Plus, I'm hoping Ashton Kutcher might jump in and start taking pictures. (j/k guys, it's not a Nikon).

How soft and cuddly does this blanket from Crate&Barrel look?
Specially paired with this?
Well, I need to stop online shopping and get some real work done. Aruba this week! pics when I get back!

1 comment:

  1. between your profile picture and your crate and barrel plug, you appear to be surprisingly domestic.



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